The Citizen Standing System

A Guide


The Citizen Standing Number for an individual aggregates a Citizen Standing Score indicating how closely the employee’s behavior adheres to their Corporation’s policies with their credit rating. You will be treated accordingly.  Check the Citizen Standing Level on your provided credentials and keep to the conveniences and establishments marked for your Level. DO NOT attempt to utilize facilities above your listed Standing, you WILL be risking detention!

CES-Citizen Excellent Standing

Individuals of this class are wealthy and/or have a long and distinguished family history of service for their Corporation. Citizen Standing Number 800-850 points. No Restrictions. 5% net income tax rate.

CSS- Citizen Secure Standing

Individuals of this class have secure middle-management positions. Citizen Standing Number 740-799 points.  Luxury Purchase restrictions. Luxury Travel restrictions. 10% net income tax rate.

CAS- Citizen Acceptable Standing

Individuals of this class are average workers. Slang term is ‘Crummy Ass Standing’. Citizen Standing Number 670-739 Points. Purchase restrictions, Luxury Travel restrictions, Housing restrictions, Indigent Hours restrictions, PTO caps, 25% gross income tax rate.

CPS-Citizen Poor Standing

An individual in this class has a history or personal habits not approved of by their Corporation.  In slang, spelled CFS, for Citizen Fucked Standing. Citizen Standing Number 550-669 Points. Purchase restrictions, Travel restrictions, Housing restrictions, Indigent Hours restrictions, PTO caps, Medical Hours restrictions, Calorie Resource restrictions. 45% gross income tax rate.