Our Donations
We make a point of being part of our community. So here, we put it all on the table.
Every quarter, we count up how many short stories we’ve sold and donate the proceeds to the Transgender Law Center.
Every year, we work either on our own with Amphibian Press, or with the Colorado Resistance Writers, to raise money from Black Friday to Colorado Gives Day. Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving on December 8. Donations are accepted through ColoradoGives.org. During this time, all our proceeds from book sales are donated to The Center on Colfax or another solid local resource for the LGBT+ community.
How Do You Help?
You can buy books! Buy from us, and we’ll donate. Buy from marginalized authors, and help them get a foot in the door. Or donate to the Transgender Law Center, the Center On Colfax, or your local Queer Community Center. Even a little goes a long way, when we all do a little.