O.E. Tearmann

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Travel Documents 109: Escape Pod

The Escape Pod Staff

Genre: speculative future, sci-fi

 Link To Listen

The Dust Cover Copy

Escape Pod is the premier science fiction podcast magazine, founded in 2005 by Serah Eley, and presently co-edited by Mur Lafferty and S.B. Divya.

Every week we bring you short stories from some of today’s best science fiction, in convenient audio and text formats. Subscribe on your phone or your computer!

The Scene

Podcast Setting And Staging

This is one of my absolute favorite works. I look forward to every episode!
Okay, now that my bias is out of the way, the show. Every Thursday, the Escape Pod crew brings a work from their slush pile to life in fine style. Since every story and every plot is different, I’m going to focus on the feel of the show rather than specific stories, but what I will tell you is that some of these stories make you cry, some make you snort-laugh, and a lot of them make you go to your buddies and say ‘hey you’ve gotta listen to this!’

The Crowd


The Escape Pod crew are a marvelous group. They always choose the perfect reader to perform a story, and at the end of each episode they give a quick little talk on the themes that make you feel like you’re talking stories over a beer with friends. It’s incredibly well done.

The Lingo

Podcast Pacing And Story Choice

Each short story is beautifully read, and the choices of story never miss a beat. Escape Pod always looks for stories that are inclusive, powerful, engaging, and containing something to look forward to in the future. The stories take us to dark places sometimes. But they give us the strength to fight for tomorrow.

Overall Rating

If you like sci-fi, short stories, or a little escape in your week, pick up this podcast. You’ll be glad you did.